Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac

Parallels 8 has long been a top competitor in the OS emulation market, but the latest release of their Parallels Desktop platform has solidified its position as the top emulator available. Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac was the first Windows emulator to support Mac OSX Lion and Mountain Lion as well as the beta releases of Windows 8. In addition to the incredible emulation compatibility Parallels exhibits, they’re also pushing the limits of innovation with retina-display compatibility and simple enterprise-level deployment. Their responsiveness to changes in a very dynamic market shows why Parallels is the industry leader in emulation software.
Parallels made their entrance into the world of emulation in 1999, and have since grown to become a multinational corporation with over 800 employees in North America, Europe and Asia. They’ve expanded their product offering to cover emulation needs for every major operating system and hardware setup.
Features & Emulation:
Parallels has done everything they can to make the Windows experience as Mac-like as possible, including everything from support for the latest operating systems to retina-display compatibility and the ability to use the list of navigational gestures available with Apple’s line of laptops and multi-touch trackpad products.
One of the most impressive features of Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac is its exceptional compatibility; every version of the Mac OSX operating system is supported with a version of Parallels. The latest version of their software even supports most of the beta releases of the new Windows 8 operating system: a feat which few other emulation applications can claim.
Reviews Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac
Parallels Desktop 8 
Parallels Desktop 8 for Mac is great at preserving your computer’s resources for the task at hand, namely, working with Windows applications. Parallels has done a great job of keeping their application conservative and resource-friendly so it isn’t too demanding on your system. They recommend that you have 4GB of RAM available for the emulator application as well as running the desired Windows programs. Of course, the application will function with as little as 2GB of RAM, but you may see some degradation in the performance.
Ease of Use:
Next to its amazing compatibility and OS support, Parallels’ most impressive feature is its seamless integration with the Mac operating system. With support for everything Mac-flavored, from multi-touch trackpad gestures and Retina displays to Expose and Spaces application integration, Parallels truly turns the Windows emulation tasks into a fully Macintosh experience.

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